Assess your learning level

For each statement in each of the aspects of learning outcomes, select the number that indicates your current knowledge, skills and experience using the following 1 to 4 scale criteria

  1. I am new to leading this aspect of a whole school and college approach and need help getting started
  2. I have limited experience in leading this aspect of a whole school and college approach
  3. I have extensive experience in leading this aspect of a whole school and college approach
  4. I have extensive experience in leading this aspect of a whole school and college approach in my school and beyond

Leadership and Management
that champions efforts to promote and support mental health and wellbeing, and that brings about strategic change to deliver an effective whole school or college approach in settings

Identifying need and monitoring impact of interventions
to understand and plan appropriate responses to pupils' and students' mental health and wellbeing

Targeted support and appropriate referrals
to ensure children and young people can get timely and appropriate support

Staff development
to support their own mental wellbeing, and that of pupils and students

Creating an ethos and environment
that promotes respect and values diversity

Enabling the Student Voice
so that the voice of every learner is heard, valued, and influences decisions

Working with parents, families and carers
so that everyone works as a genuine team around pupils and students, with a consistency of approach and shared aims and strategies

Curriculum, teaching and learning
to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning

Your learning level assessment

From your responses to the statements across all eight areas that enable a senior mental health lead to implement and sustain an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing in their setting, it is likely that you will benefit from applying for a senior mental health leads' course at {{AssessmentLevel}} Level


Select a course

Please select your learner level from the list below. You will then have the option to filter your search results further, in line with your learning needs.

The resource hub signposts practical resources and tools to support the embedding of a whole-school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

If you have any queries please email


Search results

({{FiltersApplied}} active) Clear filters
Courses covering all of the following principle(s) of the whole school or college approach: [Select all / Clear]
Courses relevant to/with leads from any of the following phases: [Select all / Clear]
Courses delivered in all of the following ways: [Select all / Clear]
Face to face training in any of the following locations: [Select all / Clear]
Courses having any of the following number of learning hours: [Select all / Clear]
Courses with any of the following costs: [Select all / Clear]
Training providers who have content on the resources hub:
Sorry, no courses, matched your search
If you are unable to find a course with capacity, then please contact our team on 0113 81 22200 or email at
Displaying {{Pagination.FirstItemOnPage}}-{{Pagination.LastItemOnPage}} of {{Pagination.TotalItemCount}}
{{item.Name}} {{item.Name}}
Training provider has content on the resources hub
N/A {{item.RegionalAreas | orderBy: 'Text' | objCommaList: 'Text'}}
N/A {{item.Levels | orderBy: 'DisplayOrder' | objCommaList: 'Text'}}
N/A {{item.Phases | orderBy: 'DisplayOrder' | objCommaList: 'Text'}}
Course Features
Face to face
Online real time
Online self-paced
1-2-1 coaching
Group coaching
Leadership and management
Identifying need and monitoring impact of interventions
Targeted support and appropriate referrals
Staff development
Creating an ethos and environment
Enabling the student voice
Working with parents, families and carers
Curriculum, teaching and learning
Displaying {{Pagination.FirstItemOnPage}}-{{Pagination.LastItemOnPage}} of {{Pagination.TotalItemCount}}
Carnegie Centre for Excellence for Mental Health in Schools
Department for Education